
9 Things You Need For An Awesome March Madness

1. Beer Helmet - This one is just a classic. Sitting there like a goddamn king in your recliner not moving for one, no TWO damn beers! You can use the handy little straw device to suck that intoxicating nectar straight into your royal gullet.

Get yours here: Beer & Soda Guzzler Helmet

beer helmet that has straws to drink while you wear it




2. 6 Bottle Liquor Dispenser - "Hi Bob, this sure is a great March Madness party, where can I put this bottle or Chardonnay I brought?" "We'll Tom, I believe the answer is directly in the garbage, you see my fucking LIQUOR DISPENSER!" This baby can hold up to six full-sized bottles of liquor at a time and in our books, that's a slam dunk.

Get yours here: 6 Bottle Liquor Holder Beverage Cocktail Shot Dispenser

six liquor bottle dispenser



3. MYBookie.AG - The number one thing you wanna do when watching March Madness is to make the games interesting. Why not sit back with your cold beer and make a little dough while watching? At My Bookie you can check all the stats you need and place your bets with a reputable business that knows what's up. Use promocode: "EBAUMS" to get a 50% Signup Bonus on your first deposit today. Visit MYBookie.AG and get in on the action! Follow them @betmybookie.


basketball crushing an iphone screen


4. Mop Slipper Covers - We've all heard of tip-toeing in your Jordans, but sliding in your Sketchers? You bet. Why would you need these for a March Madness you wonder? Well, what better way to slide into the kitchen to grab more brew without your spouse asking you some dumb shit, than doing it with the stealth of a house-keeping ninja!

Get yours here: Microfiber Dust Mop Slipper Covers


shoe covers that will clean your floors




5. Mini Basketball Grill - This little baby is a solid price and doesn't take up a lot of space, which is cool. It's just enough room for a full sized ribeye and a few sausages, which is enough to fill up one badass My Bookie March Madness winner: which is you!

Get yours here: Home Basketball BBQ Steel Grill, 12-Inch

basketball BBQ grill




6. Basketball Stress Ball - This is just a little old basketball. . . PSYCH BITCH! It's a stress ball that you squeeze the shit out of when you're scared your boys aren't covering the spread!

Get yours here: Basketball Stress Ball - 2.5 Inch

basketball stress ball toy





7. Mini Basketball Hoop and Ball - Have you ever gotten super pissed off watching a game, yelling something like, "That's not how I would have done it!!" Now, you can get up, grab your mini-ball and show all your friends where that dummy on the TV messed up his pump fake.

Get yours here: Spalding NBA Slam Jam Over-The-Door Mini Basketball Hoop

mini basketball and hoop game




8. Couch Coaster - This is just a win on so many levels. Snacks, beer, remote, Sports Illustrated all RIGHT THERE while you watch the game. Pair this with the Beer Helmet and you are an unstoppable March Madness warrior.

Get yours here: Couch Coaster And 5 Pocket Organizer

folding tray table to hold everything on your arm chair




9. Red, White & Blue Mullet Headband - This little beauty is fun and also a conversation starter. You wear this to a friends party and your boys will laugh, but that hot girl in the corner who doesn't know you will be like, "Oh, I love a man with a sense of humor . . . and a mullet."

Get yours here: Red, White & Blue Mullet Headband

guy with a mullet wearing a red, white and blue headband


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